(Natural News) Barack Obama and Joe Biden have regularly said theirs was a “scandal-free administration,” and while the two of them lied like it was their job while in office for two terms, that one is the biggest whopper of all.
Operation Fast and Furious; the IRS scandal; the lies about Obamacare; Benghazi, where they left Americans to die; and finally Spygate/Russian collusion hoax. There were many others, but those are the ‘high spots.’
Now, just a few weeks into his regime, Biden’s administration is suffering through its own scandals.
According to a report by Vanity Fair, deputy press secretary TJ Ducklo, who was Biden’s campaign press secretary, threatened Politico reporter Tara Palmeri when she discovered he was having a romantic relationship with another female reporter with Axios, Alexi McCammond.
Taking disciplinary action against police personnel for their alleged practices and misconduct, 250 vigilance enquiries were also conducted last year, the police said.
Owing to lack of hygiene in his room, it was full of mosquitoes. Not just this the overhead water tank at the guest house kept overflowing through the night. Afte
Owing to lack of hygiene in his room, it was full of mosquitoes. Not just this the overhead water tank at the guest house kept overflowing through the night. Afte